Happiness fact 39: 50-70 million of American have sleep disorder

Source: Center for disease control and prevention (2000)

An amazing number, don't you think?
What about you? How well do you sleep?

Here is how you found out:

Good night,


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Happiness fact 38: 5 positive to make up each negative expression !

With 90 percent accuracy, Gottman says he can predict, often after only three minutes of observation, which marriages are likely to flourish and which are likely to flounder.

The formula is that for every negative expression (a complaint, frown, put-down, expression of anger), there needs to be about five positive ones (smiles, compliments, laughter, expressions of appreciation and gratitude).

Yes, as simple as that ! Stay together, make your marriage last, for the sake of your children!

Source: Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington (2011)
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Happiness fact 37: 2 billion people worldwide are now overweight or obese

Researchers found more than 2 billion people worldwide are now overweight or obese. The highest rates were in the Middle East and North Africa, where nearly 60 percent of men and 65 percent of women are heavy. The U.S. has about 13 percent of the world's fat population, a greater percentage than any other country. China and India combined have about 15 percent.

Source: Christopher Murray of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington (2014)

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